I just received an Outlook happy hour invite and realized how depressing post-college drinking can be.
College "Let's drink" invites usually consisted of no more than a text message and bar name. For example: "Chubby's. Drunk." was a perfectly acceptable message.
Now, I just got a "A few people were talking about getting together tomorrow after work" Outlook message. My boss is invited. His boss is invited. Its written professionally. There is a time attached. The happy air of uncertainty surrounding the weekend is totally out the window because people have wives and little toddler-shitting kids to get home to.
Its not that my coworkers aren't fun, its just that the process is so amazingly soul-crushing compared to my carefree lassez-faire drinking days of USC. In addition, its not like I can pre-game in the office - or avoid paying less than $25 if I want to get a buzz (f*ck you DC).
But getting paid is nice.
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5 weeks ago
Things could be worse...
"Going out" after work in the immediate environment of my work locale (Chicago's faaaaaaar south side) would likely involve joining some sort of crack gang.
see, this is the real reason i'm going back to college after working for a year...i mean...i told everyone it was the 'economy' and the 'job market,' but really it's because i'm sick of seeing Happy Hour at 6:30 flyers all around my office, knowing that if I go it will be the most miserable and awkward experience of my life, but if I don't I'm considered the most antisocial person in the office...
gone are the days of getting shit-piss drunk, slobbering on some bittie and then throwing some dude through a bathroom sink...
until july when i go back to school that is
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