If there's a player I hope used steroids, it's Derek Jeter. I think that'll probably get a lot of seconds on this blog.
Jeter would just completely topple the media's "clean player, dirty player" paradigm. And it would also put one of the most overrated douchebags in sports firmly in his place.
I'm curious to hear other nominations.
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5 weeks ago
Joe Morgan - and I hope the steroid lead to (in no particular order) either a) an early death or b) an early retirement
Jeff Bagwell--Just cause the 'Stros dominated my Cubbies in the 90's when he was actually decent.
Manny Ramirez - just to see Steve's reaction
first I just want to say that I love Derek Jeter, sorry.
next, Jeff Bagwell did steroids, it's a scientific fact
my nomination: the braves threesome of John Smoltz, Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine. What a story that would be. The original Big Three sitting in some Atlanta hot tub poking each other in the ass with needles while an old and senile bobby cox sleeps in the dugout
disclaimer: I hope that Glavine and Maddux are caught now, but that Smoltz isn't caught until just after he helps the Red Sox win the Series in some sort of starter/closer role
good day
Mike Benjamin, for the wtf factor
Or how about Jon Lester? Wouldn't that be an exciting twist of fate?
Even better: Cory Lidle died in a fit of roid-rage, causing him to temporarily lose vision and scaring his copilot half to death to the point where neither could save the crashing plane.
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