I feel bad for our lonely blog. So, instead of doing fantasy baseball 09 research (like I should be since Steve tied me and beat me in the tie breaker), I am going to ramble a bit on this blog.
Yes, finally a relaxing weekend. Why is that? There is no Gamecock football to worry about. I am quite upset with the fact that I no longer have high expectations for our poor gamecock football program. Every year, I am constantly reminded that even if we recruit a few big names, or even if we get a QB that might have potential, we still cannot compete with Florida, Georgia, LSU, etc. Fighting for 3rd in the SEC East isnt fun. Nor is sitting at home and watching us come so close in every SEC matchup, always to lose it in the end, or just never have enough offense to mount a comeback. I love USC, and I really hope that I am wrong and we will compete for an SEC Championship birth. However, every year that goes by is just another reminder that we probably wont get there unless we luck out and every SEC East team has a down year (and even then, we need a team that doesnt average 2+ turnovers per game). So yes, this will be a relaxing weekend away from Gamecock football.
Random thought: Next year maybe we should have a 2nd fantasy baseball league, which is just a 1 year league. Doesnt matter how many people want to do it, as long as atleast 1/2 the league joins. It can be used as the tie breaker instead of predicting the playoffs.
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5 weeks ago
Have you noticed that every SEC game that USC has played so far this year has been decided by 7 points?
Unfortunately, yes I have noticed that. That is why these next games against Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida are not going to be fun. That is, unless my boy Stevie G steps up to the plate and takes care of business.
Zach, I think you're being far too pessimistic. We ought to beat Arkansas and Tennessee (Despite their struggles, I'm consdiering Clemson a toss-up). But I can't really envision any scenario in which we beat Florida. Still, that's an 8-4 finish, 7-5 at worst (not bad for starting off the SEC schedule by losing to Vandy). Then, we'll likely get matched up with the #1 seed from some crappy conference in a bowl game.
Not crazy about the idea of a one year league. If it is optional, and there's a tie between someone in the one year league and someone not in the league, then what do you do? I'd rather put all of the time ensuring that my fantasy Ray-led team will duplicate the success of its real-life alter-ego next year.
Con Con - I agree that we can come 7-5 or 8-4...but thats about as good as we have been the past 5 years. We beat the bad teams, usually have 1 big win and 1 horrible loss to balance it out, and we finish in the middle of the SEC. I really want to see improvement, but every year we seem to be as good as the year before, never better.
JRoss - I dont really understand your comment. My one year idea was would be a league that only consists of player from keepers league (the ones that want to play). It wouldnt be too serious unless you wanted to put more time into it. Its purpose would be to settle a tie in keepers league, should that situation rise again. If there is no tie in the keepers league, then the one year league would just be a fun way to practice drafting.
Well, I've been holding out hope that we'd have our big top 10 breakout season for about nine years now, so I don't see why I should stop now.
zach, jonathan's point is that he doesn't have time for 2 leagues and if he ties someone in the keepers league this tie-breaker wouldn't work because he'd only be in the 1 league
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