In my Torts class today, we were discussing the idea that some personal injuries, though "caused" by another, won't stand up in court because the plaintiff (the injured party) has assumed the risk. To illustrate, he showed us clips from two different YouTube videos. The first was to determine what risks athletes "assume" in the course of the game, and the second was in regards to the assumption of the risk of animal attack while hunting. Enjoy!
Is it so wrong that I got quite a bit of joy from seeing that UGAly player face down on the ground?
Just more proof that stupidity is abound.
On an unrelated note, my new Facebook note (which some of you may have already seen) got posted to the front page of today! Feministing is one of the largest and most well-respected feminist blogs out there, so I am quite honored. You might have to scroll down a post or two to find it... but you should definitely go check it out!
How to Play Online Casino Games Anonymously
5 weeks ago
Congratulations, Alicia! It was a great post!
agreed. congrats!
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